As I entered the shop taking off my hi-viz orange full face helmet, Ashley commented "At least they cant say they didnt see you when they knock you off"
I dont want to add any more stress to this journey by thinking about being knocked off.
I told him that it might look a bit out of place on a scooter but at least my chin would stay in one piece if i was unfortunate enough to get hit.
"Its all about the way you fall off" said Ashley. "As you are falling, you want to turn over onto your back. Most people want to reach out with their arms - you dont want to do that"
Wow! will I really have enough time between the crunch and the spill to consider my preferred landing position?
Ashley also had some other advice for the continental rider "if you need to buy any 2stroke oil over there, make sure its thick - if it slops around in the bottle like piss then you might be faced with a seizing engine"
I was just leaving the shop when one of the other Gransport guys (I must learn all their names) pulled up on his own scooter. He leapt off, and pounced onto my front wheel. Referring back to when I went in recently for some advice on worn front axles and bearings, he wanted to see what mine really felt like. He sprang up and announced through his helmet "Border-line! Border-line!"
"But will it last for a 1000 miles" I called after him as he marched into the shop
"Probably" he shouted and disappeared inside.
Thanks chaps. I was starting to build some confidence about this trip. Now I'm not so sure again
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