Lets start at the very beginning ("its a very good place to start").
I should thank Ashleys dad for insisting that Ashley get rid of the basket-case scooter that was eventually to become my own. And thanks to Daisy for spotting the opportunity that she knew would keep her own dad entertained and out of mischief for months to come. This was the start of a new interest in my life that I had never previously considered (and it makes me wonder what other interesting hobbies are there out there that I haven't yet considered or discovered)
Although this was a relatively short trip, it was nevertheless one that could not have happened without support and encouragement from our families. This cost us time and money that we know could have been less selfishly spent on and with our respective families - so thank you families for sending us off without making us feel too guilty. More specifically I would like to thank Laurie for all her effort in organising the logistics of ferries, trains, and hotels - without her enthusiasm for these details Scott and I would likely still be riding in circles wondering what to aim for. And I would also like to thank Joanie for letting my friend come out to play. I'd have been bored and lonely without him.
Both Scott and I were amazed and delighted by the numbers of people who were reading this blog. What started out as a personal journal soon turned into a story to tell, and I thank all the readers for their loyal following and comments - especially to those 'strangers' we met along the way and who made the special effort to check in and wish us luck.
As the number of our blog readers grew, so I found I was beginning to become more and more appreciative of all the things we were seeing and doing. Knowing that there were people ready to read our next blog post made me become more aware of all the details of our trip. And for that I thank all our blog readers for increasing my own awareness and helping me see our journey in full technicolor
There were many individuals who supported and encouraged us along the way, and there are some who are even now encouraging us to go and do another trip; Thank you to you all, including whoever it is out there who makes the weather - you were simply marvelous; we never once got rained upon, and you made sure the sun was always warm upon our backs - Thank you :-)
And finally I want to thank Scotty. For not moaning about my clothes on the floor, for not flustering whenever I got us lost and for not losing a sense of humour even when we were knackered. We worked and played well together - lets do it again some day :-)
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